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My name is Pavol Dendis and I was born in north of Slovakia. I am student of Technical University of Liberec, Czech republic, studying in the first year at the Faculty of Textile Engineering, Department of Textile Design in the Studio of Textile and Fashion Design.

Curriculum Vitae

Pavol Dendis

Address:  Vavrečka 74

                029 01 Vavrečka

                Slovakia, Europe


Tel:          SK +421 902 363 426
                CZ +420 606 419 707



Education and Training

Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic

2012- present

Level:                       current studies - Bachelor degree (Bc.)

Study program:   Faculty of Textile, Department of Design
                                  Studio of Textile and Fashion design

Alexander Dubček University of Trencín

2011- 2012

Level:                      Bachelor degree (Bc.)

Study program:  Faculty of industrial Technologies, Púchov

                                 Department of Industrial design

                                 Studio of Textile and Fashion design

Anton Bernolák Grammar School, Námestovo

2003- 2011

Study program:  Language school


Ignác Kolcák Folk Art School in Námestovo

2001- 2011

Type of study:    fine arts curses

Skills:                      sculpting, painting and ceramics course, drawing, silk- screen printing




Internet, Office

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Art and Design

Fashion Design

Fashion and Art Photography

Driving licence (B)







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